Friday, December 28, 2007
A Psychoanalysis of Higurashi
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Higurashi no naku koro ni - An Analysis (Part 1) by: Loli Paizuri
The second season is inherently different due to its undertones of hope which serve as a contradistinction to the gloomy first installment, in a brilliant manner that again showcases the myriad levels of duality that permeate this work. Due to fatigue, I will probably stop at the (very) short thematic synopsis of duality- on the next post I will be providing a psychoanalysis of higurashi in general. Only, don’t expect too much from a 16 yr old student.
Friday, November 16, 2007
"Inter-textualities" and Cross-references in anime by: Loli Paizuri
Konnichiwa readers- today, on a purely whimsical basis, I have decided to pen an article on cross-references in anime as the precursor to my subsequent analyses. Why this particular foci, one might ask. To the unaware few, there is something innately gratifying about noting and recognizing an element from a foreign anime injected into a completely different one that is the subject of the viewer's current attention. To paraphrase the last sentence, it simply means one feels good when he discovers a point of cross-reference in the anime he watches.
Why so? I believe this psychological pleasure is derived from the quintessential otaku's pride of knowing. As any otaku would have you know, he is fully informed about the vital statistics of his favourite anime characters, is able to recite the catchphrases of the said peoples backwards, and has probably sung the OP and ED too many a time in the bathroom. And therefore his otaku ego is satisfied when he feels that his grasp of anime is comprehensive enough to detect traces of cross-reference. This explanation is scarcely exaggerated, when one considers how academicians revel in the cognizance of their intellectual capabilities (like a smug political scientist who ably discerns classical liberalism and neoliberalism); similarly an otaku is convinced of his NEET prowess when he spots a glimpse of anime cross-reference, and the harder to spot, the greater his satisfaction.
For interested people who seek to scrutinize cross-references in their extremity (and have not done so), watch Hayate no Gotoku, which brings in the distinctive cicada sounds from Higurashi, imports Gundam bots from er... the Gundam franchise, incorporates Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu swordstyles from Runouni Kenshin, makes explicit allusions to The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi and does much, much more.
(hayate loves the haruhi girls. very much)
Now excuse me, it’s time to enact my role of a shallow anime fan and indulge myself in the excess of fan service.
Yours truly, Loli Paizuri
Thursday, November 15, 2007
An introduction of etc etc Version Two!
I am, as you would have probably have guessed by now, none other than the unheard of lonely figure, RyuuUsagi (aka DragonBunny). Technically, i am not unheard of, as my partner has already introduced me in his post, thus nullifying my above sentence. However, that is besides the point. The point is, why am i beating around the bush in a desperate attempt to make up for the lack of content in this post?
In all seriousness (as serious as i could ever attempt to be), I would be posting manga reviews and miscellaneous rants, as well as anime reviews as and when i feel like it (so sue me, loli paizuri!). This blog would be updated frequently, so be sure to check back in a while.
Regards, ecchi lover, RyuuUsagi
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
An introduction on the establishment of this blog by: Loli Paizuri
This being the first post of my humble blog, let me begin by contextualizing the circumstances behind its creation. Anime and Manga Retreat, AMR, for short, is created for the sole purpose of reviewing noteworthy anime and manga, and occasionally, trumpeting the inviolable virtues of YURI. AMR is a joint project managed by me (Loli Paizuri) and some other person by the moniker of RyuuUsagi.
I will be offering my personal and highly professional opinions (somethings philosophical, at other times, nonsensical, most of the time, fanatical) on anime while my counterpart undertakes a drawnout commentary on the world of manga. Expect discourse, intellect and light-hearted rubbish in our writings.
Should fellow anime/manga/yuricrazy bloggers wish to link us on their blogs, please inform us by mail: and we will reciprocrate the honor in action. I look foward to your heartfelt comments on our subsequent posts.
Regards, chief editor, Loli Paizuri